Jörn Kottmann wrote:
> Marshall Schor wrote:
>> Trying to build uimaj - I get this build error on the Cas Editor
>> project:
>> Couldn't find a version in [3.2.1-v3235e, 3.3.0-v3345b, 3.3.0-v3346] to
>> match range [3.3.0,4.0.0)
>>   org.eclipse:swt:jar:null
>> from the specified remote repositories:
>>   central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2),
>>   ApacheIncubatorRepository
>> (http://people.apache.org/repo/m2-incubating-repository),
>>   eclipsePlugins (http://repo2.maven.org/eclipse)
>> Path to dependency:
>>         1)
>> org.apache.uima:uimaj-ep-cas-editor:bundle:2.3.0.incubating-SNAPSHOT
>>         2) org.eclipse:ui:jar:3.3.0-I20070614-0800
>> Any ideas?  It seems others have had success in building this.  Is there
>> another Eclipse plug-in repository that I need to be using?
> I have seen a similar error a while back when I set up the project.
> After some investigation I assumed that something with my local maven
> repo could be wrong and deleted it. The error vanished after maven
> download
> all the dependencies again.
Thanks, Jörn.  I deleted the org.eclipse.*  part of my local repository,
and tried again - this time it failed (before it got to the swt.jar) here:

[INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.

Couldn't find a version in [1.0.0-v20070423, 1.0.0-v20070606] to match
range [1.0.0,2.0.0)

from the specified remote repositories:
  central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2),
  eclipsePlugins (http://repo2.maven.org/eclipse)

Path to dependency:
        2) org.eclipse.core:runtime:jar:3.3.100-v20070530

Any other suggestions appreciated :-)

Jörn, could you say what repositories you are using to locate the
Eclipse maven components?  Maybe I need to point to another maven repo
for these?

> Jöen

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