A few days ago I said its only possible to start the Cas Editor
and other plugins when the runtime plugin is manually deployed to the
instance. That seems to be not true. The only modification needed is the
correct Bundle-ClassPath to target/classes in the MANIFEST.MF file.

In my fresh workspace the uimaj-ep-jcasgen plugin has compile errors
because it cannot resolve the dependencies on emf codegen. The codegen jar is also not listed in the class path. Not sure how we can fix that.
Can we list that jar in the POM as a dependency, if someone has put that
jar into the maven repo?

You may be surprised but it is already listed in the pom and
maven can compile the code without a compiler error.

After a maven eclipse:eclipse its simply missing inside the
eclipse project class path, which causes compile errors since
we have code in that plugin which depend on it.


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