Thilo Goetz wrote:
> Marshall Schor wrote:
>> Thilo Goetz wrote:
>>> Marshall Schor wrote:
> [...]
>>>> So, all you have to do is build the uimaj POM and install it to your
>>>> local repository.  (Note that after things are released, any user would
>>>> automatically get the parent POM downloaded from the release
>>>> repositories, assuming they had maven set up to find these repositories).
>>> Doesn't work for me.  I do "mvn install" in the core, and I
>>> still have to manually copy over the uimaj project (or maybe
>>> just the pom, I never tried that) to build the sandbox.  Is
>>> there another incantation I need to utter for this to work?
>> Hmmm.  Here's my guess:
>> 1) the mvn install does "work", but
>> 2) there are *other* dependencies that use relative paths.  It would be
>> great if someone tried this and reported exactly what the errors are...
>> then, perhaps we could solve these. 
> You're right, I no longer get the missing parent error.  Thanks
> for fixing that.  Now the only error is:
> [INFO] An Ant BuildException has occurred: 
> C:\build\uimaj-distr\src\main\readme
> not found.
Maybe my last commit (just done, for uimaj/pom.xml) fixed this, too.  It
now doesn't try to copy files from there, *if* the files can be found at
the top level of the sandbox project :-)

> This goes away when I copy uimaj-distr, obviously.
> --Thilo
>> I think there are some issues with copying the LIC/NOT/DISC files -
>> because the source is located by relative links.  That might be able to
>> be fixed. 
>> I am planning to change the source directory for these files shortly
>> (modifying only the uimaj pom) so that
>> if the LIC/NOT/DISC files are found in the dir of the project being
>> built, those are used (useful for sandbox projects which have different
>> LIC/NOT/DISC files to go in their JARs), and only if they are not found
>> there, then the main ones for the UIMA project are used as the source.
>> That may help this one issue (#2) if that's all that's left by way of
>> "relative" path dependencies.
>> -Marshall 
>>>> There is a "trick" to building the uimaj POM - if you just say "mvn
>>>> install" in the directory of the uimaj project, it will build, but it
>>>> will also build all of the base UIMA.  If all you want to do is just
>>>> install the POM, without building all of UIMA, you can do that using the
>>>> -N parameter: type "mvn -N install".  The -N parameter stops maven from
>>>> processing the submodules.
>>>> HTH. -Marshall

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