Thanks for the explanations. I've simply copied the sandbox to the main UIMA
directory and it is working fine.

I've updated from SVN and when trying to build SandboxDistr from my initial
directory (i.e outside the UIMA one) I am now getting :

*/usr/local/bin/uima-sandbox-svn/SandboxDocs/sandbox_build.xml:35: Cannot
imported from /usr/local/bin/uima-sandbox-svn/SandboxDocs/sandbox_build.xml*

but at least it is not complaining about the readme not being found anymore.
If we really have to have the sandbox inside the UIMA dir, maybe we could
add a few lines on the website in the Sandbox section about it?



2009/9/3 Marshall Schor <>

> Thilo Goetz wrote:
> > Marshall Schor wrote:
> >
> >> Thilo Goetz wrote:
> >>
> >>> Marshall Schor wrote:
> >>>
> > [...]
> >
> >>>> So, all you have to do is build the uimaj POM and install it to your
> >>>> local repository.  (Note that after things are released, any user
> would
> >>>> automatically get the parent POM downloaded from the release
> >>>> repositories, assuming they had maven set up to find these
> repositories).
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>> Doesn't work for me.  I do "mvn install" in the core, and I
> >>> still have to manually copy over the uimaj project (or maybe
> >>> just the pom, I never tried that) to build the sandbox.  Is
> >>> there another incantation I need to utter for this to work?
> >>>
> >>>
> >> Hmmm.  Here's my guess:
> >>
> >> 1) the mvn install does "work", but
> >>
> >> 2) there are *other* dependencies that use relative paths.  It would be
> >> great if someone tried this and reported exactly what the errors are...
> >> then, perhaps we could solve these.
> >>
> >
> > You're right, I no longer get the missing parent error.  Thanks
> > for fixing that.  Now the only error is:
> >
> > [INFO] An Ant BuildException has occurred:
> C:\build\uimaj-distr\src\main\readme
> > not found.
> >
> Maybe my last commit (just done, for uimaj/pom.xml) fixed this, too.  It
> now doesn't try to copy files from there, *if* the files can be found at
> the top level of the sandbox project :-)
> -Marshall
> > This goes away when I copy uimaj-distr, obviously.
> >
> > --Thilo
> >
> >
> >> I think there are some issues with copying the LIC/NOT/DISC files -
> >> because the source is located by relative links.  That might be able to
> >> be fixed.
> >>
> >> I am planning to change the source directory for these files shortly
> >> (modifying only the uimaj pom) so that
> >> if the LIC/NOT/DISC files are found in the dir of the project being
> >> built, those are used (useful for sandbox projects which have different
> >> LIC/NOT/DISC files to go in their JARs), and only if they are not found
> >> there, then the main ones for the UIMA project are used as the source.
> >>
> >> That may help this one issue (#2) if that's all that's left by way of
> >> "relative" path dependencies.
> >>
> >> -Marshall
> >>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>> There is a "trick" to building the uimaj POM - if you just say "mvn
> >>>> install" in the directory of the uimaj project, it will build, but it
> >>>> will also build all of the base UIMA.  If all you want to do is just
> >>>> install the POM, without building all of UIMA, you can do that using
> the
> >>>> -N parameter: type "mvn -N install".  The -N parameter stops maven
> from
> >>>> processing the submodules.
> >>>>
> >>>> HTH. -Marshall
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >
> >
> >

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