Marshall Schor wrote:
Jörn Kottmann wrote:
Marshall Schor wrote:
Jörn Kottmann wrote:
Marshall Schor wrote:
Jörn Kottmann wrote:
Marshall Schor wrote:
Jukka Zitting wrote:

On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 3:36 PM, Marshall Schor <>
With this change, we can remove all references to a special
repository location.  I'm in favor of this; what do others think?
Sounds good. Is there a reason why you use a version range
instead of
one specific version?
The original reason I think is to allow different versions of
Eclipse to
be used.  But, since this "provided", meaning that the jar is not
included, but instead comes from the Eclipse environment in which
jar runs, I think it we could use just single versions.
Nevertheless, coding a version range here serves to document that
intention is that the plugin "should" work within that version

I tried the following:

            <version>3.3.0</version>             <<<<<<<< Fails

            <version>3.2.9</version>             <<<<<<<< Fails

            <version>3.3.0-v3346</version>             <<<<<<<<
Can you please commit the updated versions ?
Done.  Thanks for the reminder :-).  The main uimaj pom is updated
to no
longer include the alternative Eclipse repo - now only maven "central"
repo and the incubator repositories are included.
Just tried to build UIMA on a fresh machine over at a friends place,
but it could not find various eclipse plugins. Does that has to do
with that change ?
I would guess so - I ran mvn dependency:tree on many of the ones I
changed to insure it could still find things, but maybe I missed one or
2 - could you post details?
No, I think uimaj-ep-debug failed, but I do not have more details,
the cas editor also could not be build.

If that does not help, I can try to reproduce the error on my machine
and post detailed information.

Well, now that I try again, everything is broken... It fails for me, too. I tried various things to fix this, and could get the basic
uimaj-ep-debug plugin to find the one Eclipse component in the maven
central repo that it depends on, but that plugin has lots of
dependencies, and they cannot be found in the maven central repo.
So I don't think we've "gotten to the bottom" of this issue.  I'm going
to revert back to using the "alternate" eclipse repo, and at least get
things working again (I hope).

Sorry for breaking the build - but something was hiding this breakage
from me before.
What do you think about explicitly excluding from
the org.eclipse.core.runtime dependency ?

It would then be declared like this:

Not that I would prefer this way, but maybe it is better than
having a build which fails under certain circumstances.


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