Marshall Schor wrote:
Jörn Kottmann wrote:
Marshall Schor wrote:
The Cas Editor seems to be enabled by two different things in
Eclipse. One is the Corpus Explorer view, which among other things,
certain right-click menu items.  The other is the
<nature>org.apache.uima.caseditor.NLPProject</nature>, although I'm not
sure what it enables.
Actually the Corpus Explorer only works together with projects
which have the NLPProject nature. Non NLPProject nature projects
are only displayed like they would be in the eclipse navigator view.
The special right-click menu items and project structure is only
available in NLPProject nature projects.
Hmmm,  I tried the following:
In a new workspace, I created 2 projects - a java project and an NLP
The java project did not have the NLPProject nature.

Then I switched to the Corpus Explorer, and found when I right-clicked
the two projects and picked "properties", I saw the panel with Processor
Folders, Corpus Folders, etc.  (Even for the project that didn't have
the NLP Project nature)  So I guess that the NLP Nature isn't required
to show this.  But it may be required for something else
For the project without the NLP nature you should not have seen
the panels in the properties menu, I also could not reproduce
the behavior you observed. Are you sure that your java project has
not the nlp nature ? (You can check that manually in the .project file)


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