Marshall Schor wrote:
> Here's my current better(?) thought that avoids injecting and doesn't
> presume the SystemClassLoader is a subclass of URLClassLoader, and
> avoids permission issues that could arise in some environments when
> later adding to the URL set via addURL():
> Use the defined property
> -Djava.system.class.loader=org.apache.uima.bootstrap.SystemClassLoader
> and add a class SystemClassLoader which is defined to be a subclass of
> URL ClassLoader, and delegates to it.  Define the constructor
> SystemClassLoader(ClassLoader parent) to call its parent with the proper
> list of URLs as before.
> No reflection is needed.
> Now to get this tested :-) 

Testing: works on Sun Java, fails on IBM Java.  This is because the IBM
java doesn't load the logger-specified classes from the
ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader() object, even though the Javadocs say

I'm going back to using "injection" approach, that at least works (has
been tested) on both Javas.

>  -Marshall
> Marshall Schor wrote:
>> Marshall Schor wrote:
>>> Thilo Goetz wrote:
>>>> Marshall Schor wrote:
>>>> [...]
>>>>> Both of these approaches put uimaj-core classes at the "root" level of
>>>>> the application (i.e., "System") class-loader chain.  I can't think of
>>>>> any cases where that would not be OK; can anyone else?
>>>> I think that may not work because the UIMA
>>>> framework classes need to access the annotator classes.
>>>> If the core is loaded by the system classloader, it
>>>> will not have access to classes loaded by the bs loader.
>>> Yes, this sounds right.
>>> How about this "fix": put a copy of the UIMALogFormatter into the
>>> bootstrap loader Jar.  This class does not reference any uima classes,
>>> only Java JRE classes.
>> I think this issue is general, not restricted to the Formatter class. 
>> The Javadocs for the LogManager say that the class objects named in the
>> configuration are loaded by using the System class loader.  It actually
>> says the classes are "first searched on the system class path before any
>> user class path."   But it seems that only the application initial class
>> path that is used to launch things, is searched.
>> So maybe the only approach will be to inject all the urls into the
>> system class loader, as Jerry was trying to do (Jars and directories,
>> not individual classes). 
>> Any other ideas?
>> -Marshall
>>> -Marshall
>>>> --Thilo

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