Marshall Schor wrote:
Jörn Kottmann wrote:

on our sever message localization always fails with this error message:
MESSAGE LOCALIZATION FAILED: Can't find bundle for base name
jms_adapter_messages, locale en_DK

This is a little annoying because even in case it fails it should just
use english error messages,
and if that fails the key of the error message is better than nothing.

Should I open a jira ?
The localization code already is trying various variations, down to the
"base name" by itself. It's the Java standard "getBundle" in the
standard Java class ResourceBundle.  The base name here is
jms_adapter_messages, and there is supposed to be a file on the classpath (it's in
uimaj-as-jms project, in src/main/resources).

Can you find out why this is not on the classpath?
The exception was thrown in the our UIMA AS client which is running
in an OSGI server using the uima as osgi bundle. Who exactly is trying
to load the message file from the classpath ?

I guess thats done in the uima core and uima core cannot see the classpath
of the uima as bundle. This would explain why it fails in an osgi environment.


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