Jörn Kottmann wrote:
> Marshall Schor wrote:
>> Jörn Kottmann wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> on our sever message localization always fails with this error message:
>>> MESSAGE LOCALIZATION FAILED: Can't find bundle for base name
>>> jms_adapter_messages, locale en_DK
>>> This is a little annoying because even in case it fails it should just
>>> use english error messages,
>>> and if that fails the key of the error message is better than nothing.
>>> Should I open a jira ?
>> The localization code already is trying various variations, down to the
>> "base name" by itself. It's the Java standard "getBundle" in the
>> standard Java class ResourceBundle.  The base name here is
>> jms_adapter_messages, and there is supposed to be a
>> jms_adapter_messages.properties file on the classpath (it's in
>> uimaj-as-jms project, in src/main/resources).
>> Can you find out why this is not on the classpath?
> The exception was thrown in the our UIMA AS client which is running
> in an OSGI server using the uima as osgi bundle. Who exactly is trying
> to load the message file from the classpath ?
> I guess thats done in the uima core 

Right.  it's in org.apache.uima.internal.util.I18nUtil.

> and uima core cannot see the classpath
> of the uima as bundle. This would explain why it fails in an osgi
> environment.

Yes. This is a common problem for OSGi packaging with logging.  In the
Eclipse/OSGi environment, we "get around" this issue using buddy
class-loading.  Google:  osgi logging classpath buddy    to see a bunch
of posts about this issue.

Here's a post by Mirko Jahn which includes a part describing a way to
extend the implementation to handle this more directly (see 2nd
article): http://osgi.mjahn.net/category/specifications/

If anyone has the time and interest, it would be good to explore this to
see if we can come up with a way to make UIMA more OSGi - friendly in
this aspect.

Would a simple work-around be to change the osgi setup you're using so
that the base uima bundle can "see" the uima-as bundle?

> Jörn

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