That is right.


On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 9:53 AM, Jörn Kottmann <> wrote:

> Jaroslaw Cwiklik wrote:
>> Yes, this exception comes from UIMA AS client and it is thrown if the
>> connection to the broker is lost. If the connection to a broker is lost
>> the
>> current code doesnt use onBeforeMessageSend() callback. This method is
>> only
>> called if the connection is ok, right before the send(). The code that
>> detects connection failure is before this. When you get
>> BrokerConnectionException you know that what you've sent previously will
>> not
>> come back. The reply queue has already been deleted. You may assume this
>> and
>> awake all waiting threads and invalidate their states and retry if that is
>> what you want to do. If the broker finally comes online, eventually UIMA
>> AS
>> client will call onBeforeMessageSend() and that will be a clue that things
>> are back to normal.
> Sorry, have been through a few very busy weeks,
> since the release is now delayed I would like to fix this problem.
> To make sure I understand you correctly, a CAS is send via sendCas(...),
> but it cannot be send because of a broker connection exception,
> the error is then reported to the status call back listeners
> entityProcessComplete
> method.
> When the status call back listener receives the BrokerConnectionException
> it should consider all outstanding CASes as failed and retry them.
> Is that correct ?
> Jörn

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