Dear Sir,
We are working on UIP-0.9 and facing some problems.

1. We are not using tapdev for read and send rather we are using SLIP
for communication.How can we test  our system using exapmle1 as application

2.We are using At89c5132 microcontroller.We have 1 UART  on our controller.
Then for SLIP protocol what will be the test condition.
Will it be tested on two controllers connected using serial cable or a
connected to PC.

3. Will the application for testing will be different on two controllers if
is to be tested on two controllers using serial cable.

On 2/24/07, Fabio Giovagnini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You can send and receive; for sending you need to use the uip_connect
function; it will return the opened connection if the connect has been
succssfull; look the client examples (telnet, mail sender, ecc.) or look
the list you could find my ftp client being maybe usefull for you to
understand the client architecture.


Alle 07:39, venerdì 23 febbraio 2007, Richa Malhotra ha scritto:
> Dear Sir,
> My problem is that if i run my oen application for sending data then
> this code send data in TCP/IP format or this code is only meant for
> recieving a data in TCP/IP format and extracting its information out of
> this recieved data ..

Fabio Giovagnini

Aurion s.r.l.
via degli orti 11,
40050 Funo di Argelato (BO)
Tel. +39.335.8350919
Fax +39.051.8659009

account telefono VoIP skype (

Richa Malhotra

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