Thanks all for the advice & suggestions, it's really great to be able to
ask for this help. I'll work through the list and see what fits best.

On 5 August 2014 16:40, Ben Ward <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I'm working for a client who is trying to avoid running their own
> authoritative DNS server and all the issues that brings with it.
> I'd like to know if there are any 3rd party DNS providers to whom they
> could delegate their reverse DNS zones for the CIDR blocks. I assume this
> would work, setting RIPE's domain records for these /24s to the chosen
> nameservers, then creating the entries on a web
> frontend.
> I have tried some googling, but I may be using the wrong terminology as
> most of the answers relate to the reverse DNS entries for hosting services
> run by these 3rd parties.
> Does OpenDNS support this, for example?
> Thanks
> Ben
> --

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