On 9 September 2015 at 22:37, Brandon Butterworth <bran...@bogons.net> wrote:
>> <sky-pie>  I did just wonder if it's worth the time of a few of the
>> smaller ISPs to get together to design & build their own 'open' CPE,
> We could but that's not the main issue. I want BT to be responsbile
> for the service we're paying them to deliver

therein lies the crux of the matter.

However, I'm reasonably sure that OpenWRT (which has TR069 stuff, see
UKNOF presentations passim, iirc?) on some recent 128MB+RAM hardware
will be a good starting point, though care will need to be taken to
ensure that throughput can cope with future speeds.
Please that most customers are non-geek, so skinning and greying out
features is the way to go to protect them from themselves and prevent
your support lines melting under the strain of finger-fiddlers.

But like Brandon says, that's another issue - it's the end-end+demark
principle. I see this as BT Group washing their hands of things as a
business tactic to raise profits on SFI visits and dodge out of fixing
the faults in their plant. I can see only one winner there.

sent via Gmail web interface, so please excuse my gross neglect of Netiquette

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