On 15 September 2015 at 06:44, Mark Tinka <mark.ti...@seacom.mu> wrote:
> On 14/Sep/15 19:42, Paul Thornton wrote:
>> You don't have the entire routing table @LINX yet :)
> And depending on your operation, transit could be cheaper than peering.

And peering can be cheaper than transit [1] :)

This is especially true at lower traffic volumes as one major gain
with peering is that you pay for a port rather than a specific CDR and
you can use as much bandwidth on that port as you like (although you
can buy less that the physical port speed these days but not at evey

Also if you only have a handful of AS's that count's for %-major of
your egress/ingress traffic then if you can peer at an exchange with
all those guys present and peer with them you can offload the bulk of
your traffic without the need for a CDR on a transit link providing
global access when you don't need all that visibility.


[1] These are genuine figures I have tweaked so they don't resemble
any IXP I have connect to so there isn't any obvious bias etc....

Usual YMMV caveat, in the UK we are rather spoilt compared to some
parts of the world with LoNAP and LINX.

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