On Sun, 21 Nov 2021 at 11:17, Benny Lyne Amorsen <benny+use...@amorsen.dk>

> lør, 20 11 2021 kl. 08:31 -0800, skrev Leo Vegoda:
> > Yes, but there's a distinct difference between not rushing to remove
> > RFC 1918 address space from most home and office networks and putting
> > lots of effort into trying to make some other, previously reserved,
> > IPv4 space reliable enough that it can be uniquely registered to
> > various network operators.
> So far, similar efforts have made it possible to use 1.x and 192.not-
> 168.x and lots of other networks that were considered too "dirty" to
> use reliably.

Not really similar - using reserved space and just releasing it is very
different from taking space that has since inception been for a technical
different use. Taking non-unicast space such as 240.x or special use space
such as 127.x or 0.x and expecting every device on the planet to receive an
IP stack upgrade to ensure it will work is even less realistic than asking
the same users to ensure v6 is installed and running.


> Current pricing of IPv4 is above $40USD per address, so freeing another
> /8 has a value of hundreds of millions of USD.
> It is great to take the approach of "just use IPv6", when I bet that
> every one of us on this list have at least one IPv4 address per
> connection. A onetime cost of $40 is not scary for us, and address
> scarcity is good for the value of the IP space owned by the ISPs and
> other organizations that are our employers.
> /Benny

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