Hello Friends

I quote from the newsletter I received from the PHSI (Presbyterian
Historical Society of Ireland)

Rev Samuel Haliday is best remembered for his involvement in the First
Subscription Controversy in Irish Presbyterianism but there was much
more to his life and ministry, as this booklet by Rev Dr David Steers

Born, probably in Omagh, in 1685, he was educated at the University of
Glasgow and several other universities on the continent. He gained a
fine reputation among the leading Reformed theologians in Europe, many
of whom he met in his travels there.

He served as an army chaplain and at the English Court in the service
of the Church of Scotland, before returning to ministry in his native
Ulster where he served as minister of the First congregation in
Belfast until his death in 1739.

In this excellent booklet Dr Steers describes him as one of the most
able and articulate Presbyterian ministers in Ireland in the early
eighteenth century.


ISBN: 978-1-9996893-2-2

This publication (cost £3 plus P&P) can be ordered online from PHSI.

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