All I have to say on that topic is, that Vista's PE plays quite nicely 
with a system that supports DHCP, TFTP and SMB/CIFS.
It's quite easy to get it to netboot since it doesnt require a 
BINL-service. The bootloader downloads a RAMdisk via TFTP and starts 
Windows PE from RAM, drivers for network cards and hdd controllers are 
automatically detected as long as they are added to the image 
beforehand. (AND, you won't believe it, but this scenario is actually 
well-documented by MS)

I'm working with unattended since over a year now, though not really 
productive since we over here for some reason still go with the "one 
image for one hardware" setup.

I see the effort put in unattended, and the idea of installing Windows 
via Linux doesnt miss a certain irony. But for me the way to go is using 
MS WinPE 2.0, but making it running with every system/server that can 
provide DNS, DHCP and CIFS.

So far I'm just using AutoIt3 and SQLite. I'm using diskpart.exe to 
partition the drive, imagex.exe or unattended setup to install windows.
I'm pulling the info for diskpart, imagex/sysprep and unattended setup 
from the database. So far the approach I'm trying is fully automated, 
but one sure could add a Wizard that gets prepopulated with options from 
the db.

Thats how I'm trying to make service for our users better.

Any suggestions or opinions on this?

regards, Björn Kaiser

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