Dag Nummedal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Jordan Share writes:
> > Yes, I have read that KB article.  It says, "The correct OEMDIR
> > destination can be found by searching the INF file used to install
> > the device or driver."

Ah.  Well, that is embarrassing.

Would you believe I treated OEMDIR as a constant and it actually
appeared to work?  Which makes no sense; something very strange must
have been going on.

> > .  I have empirically determined that (for one of these files,
> > anyway) "12" corresponds to "$oem$\$$\system32".  (It may also
> > "just work" to have that file in there, due to it being on the
> > path, or some such thing).

The latter, I would guess, since:

> You can find the information you're looking for here:
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/install/hh/install/create-inf_3aav.asp

Excellent reference; thank you!  This shows that 12 means

And now the entire mechanism makes sense.  With this information in
hand, it should be possible to write the definitive document (and
automation tool!) for dealing with txtsetup.oem drivers.  Maybe I will
take a crack at it this weekend...

 - Pat

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