Hi, (i should really send this to the whole list ;)

> > after I managed to fix the HDD detection problems with the help of Mario I 
> > ran into a few more problems on the way.
> > 1. I have the following line in my isolinux.cfg on the boot-cd:
> >   LABEL local
> >     MENU LABEL ^Next boot device in line
> >     LOCALBOOT -1
> > After selecting this entry in the boot menu I get "PRESS A KEY TO REBOOT" 
> > instead of the pc booting from the next boot device. This kinda defeats the 
> > whole purpose of this entry. :/ Any ideas?
> Take a look here: 
> http://syslinux.zytor.com/wiki/index.php/SYSLINUX#LOCALBOOT_type_.5BISOLINUX.2C_PXELINUX.5D
I did, prior to writing this mail. But everything written there doesn't really 
help me. :/

> > 2. After booting into the unattended mode dosemu starts and i get the 
> > following message:
> > "By continuing execution of this program, you are stating that you have 
> > read the file COPYING and the above liability disclaimer and that you 
> > accept these conditions.
> > Enter 'yes' to confirm/continue:"
> > ... This also kinda deafeats the whole unattended idea. :/ I don't remember 
> > this message popping up with any of my older boot-cds though. Any idea on 
> > how to get rid of this message?
> Fill out a feature request on: 
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/unattended-gui/ I hope I will not forget to 
> add this feature for the next release. I dont have the time to test the old 
> unattended-project related things-......
Will do. Any idea for when the next release is scheduled?

> > 3. I've got the following line in my config.pl in the site directory:
> >   system "cp -r /z/os/drivers/drivers /c/drivers";
> > When I only have the GeForce drivers in the /z/os/drivers/drivers/ 
> > directory they copy just fine onto the local harddisk but as soon as I 
> > stuff more drivers into the directory (don't know what the limit is yet), 
> > the whole unattended setup dies after partitioning the local drive and 
> > before Windows starts copying it files onto the local drive. The problem 
> > here is that the script dies and immediately reboots the machine so I can't 
> > see what error the script threw or why the script actually died. :/ Any 
> > ideas on this issue?
> dont know the answer....
Damn ... if i could see what actually goes wrong. Can i disable the automatic 
reboot somewhere?


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