could you give an overview of your complete setup?

* booting from cd or tftp ?
* what platformis the server? (win/linux)
* current subnets ?

What i do in my case to make life easier (which is by far the most easy
setup, and works for all platforms) is the following:

1. i'm using tftp on a linux machine, that is also running the samba server
where everything is being isntalled from
2. i pass along the z_path, z_user and z_pass boot parameters via the config
in pxelinux.cfg/default (or in menu.lst on the setup where i use pxegrub,
which is easier to turn over to non-techies, since they can just select
something from a menu)

z_path is something like //myservername/install
where myservername is just the name that is used as
a) hostname in dns pointing to that machine
b) netbios name (for the samba part)

Using a cname i had troubles when entering the "windows is installed, now
installing updates and applications" part because it couldn't find the
correct machine that way.. probably something wrong with my dhcp and dns
setup, but the above way always works correctly


On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 8:11 PM, Alan Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I am on step 3 of installation for unattended:
> --------
> Now please extend the configuration of your dns server. The Unattended
> server must be reachable with the name "ntinstall". Please configure an
> appropriate alias (CNAME). There may be problem when connecting to
> Windows 2000 or Windows Server 2003-based computer using this alias.
> Please look at following MS article <
> You will find plenty of documentation about this on the net.
> --------
> I have scoured google and have been unable to find a way to resolve one
> word aliases via dnscache and tinydns.
> Can someone point me to documentation even if it is not djbdns-centric.
> I would love to alias my internal (192.168.x.x) network to make life
> easier.
> Thanks
> Alan
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
> Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.
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> unattended-info mailing list

Michael De Groote
ICT-coordinator Sancta Maria Basisschool Leuven
ICT-coordinator Sint-Pietersschool Korbeek-Lo
ICT-coordinator Scholengemeenschap Katholieke Basisscholen Leuven
ICT-coordinator Parkschool Leuven
This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.
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