Just discovered, in addition to saving the MSI you must also save the
CAB file (prolly Data1.cab). You'll notice the MSI is only a few megs,
while the CAB is 10+, together they are the whole package.


I've just verified that it installed with the following line:


todo.pl ".reboot-on 194 msiexec /qn /l*
%SystemDrive%\netinst\logs\sun-jre.txt /i
%Z%\packages\jre\jre1.6.0_11.msi IEXPLORER=1 MOZILLA=1 REBOOT=Suppress



From: Stephen Kojoukhine 
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 2:04 PM
To: 'unattended-info@lists.sourceforge.net'
Subject: Java error 1606 - FYI


If you guys still use the MSI install method for Java 6 update 10 and
up, be aware of this issue:




... you'll have to update the msiexec switch to something other than
"/qb" (I'll try using /qn).


Also, if anyone is having trouble getting their hands on the MSI, take a
look at this page:




-          Steve

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