After about two weeks I finally got unattended to work great with a
Poweredge R300 which has some really bizarre Broadcom Drivers.  So, I
thought that I would start working on our Poweredge 860's (about 50 of
them).  Unattended comes up fine via pxe, sees the hard drive and appears to
format and fdisk the whole drive but then it won't come up on the next
boot.  It can't even find the hard drive then (non-pxe).  I believe this has
some SATA drivers that have to be installed ahead of time.  Anyone?  My next
thing is to use the disks that come with Dell to do a basic 2003 install
(2003 Standard R2 VL to be exact) and then right before the first boot to
bring it up with a linux rescue disk and see how dell laid out the drivers
(which is how I figured out how to get the R300 to work).   I'd really like
to have this one working by Saturday if, possible or I get to ghost 50
machines instead.

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