Sounds good, I'll have a dig though the list for the batch files. 
Obviously more information is always welcome :) but youve given me so
thing to start with.


On 17/4/09 10:45, Harm wrote:
> Please excuse me for rushing my reply earlier and leaving out
> practically -all- usefull information.
> I'm working on a webinterface for installing multiple OS'es completely
> unattended (just fill in a webform with stuff like ip and hostname and
> let the box boot from pxe, sit back and wait for it to say 'done' in the
> included logging page), the steps i took are mostly found using google.
> It required a windows environment to create some initial files, but
> after those are created (or downloaded from someone who did it for you)
> it runs ok from/with a samba share. If i'm correct i have already
> supplied the needed batch files in some other post to this list. Please
> search for it since i do not have access to the files right now.
> The unattended process:
> - boot the box from pxe
> - load some files to start WinPE3 (2 would be ok aswell, but 3 supports
> Windows 7 aswell), please look at Windows Automated Installation Kit
> (waik)
> - contact webinterface for unattended.xml file
> - download the xml and start setup with the /unattended switch
> - install some extra tools using unattended.xml's post install section
> - wait for it to bring up the windows login prompt
> Maybe i will pack it all up in a VMware image for everyone to play with.
> If you need any further tips just let me know.
>  regards
> On Fri, 2009-04-17 at 10:27 +0100, Vincent Hoffman wrote:
>> On 17/4/09 08:29, Harm wrote:
>>> in my setup it can be installed completely unattended, though it does
>>> not take advantage of the (which is imo the strength of
>>> unattended project).
>> I dont suppose you could share any tips or details?
>>> regards,
>>>  - Harm
>>> On Thu, 2009-04-16 at 23:12 +0100, Vincent Hoffman wrote:
>>>> I know its a different kettle of fish from 2k/2k3, but is there any work
>>>> going towards supporting windows 2008 server or any hope for this in the
>>>> future?
>>>> I'm due to start playing with and having to roll out windows2008 server
>>>> in the not too distant future and i've just got to grips with and grow
>>>> to like unattended for 2k3.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Vince

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