Hi all,

a while ago I suggested to add some lines to todo.pl...

      elsif ($product_name eq 'Windows Vista (TM) Business') {
          $os = 'vista';
      elsif ($product_name eq 'Windows Vista (TM) Ultimate') {
          $os = 'vista';

... because otherwise my appsonly script wouldn't have worked on Vista.


The suggested changes were added to the CVS / SVN, but in the meantime I
stumbled upon further product name strings not handled by todo.pl.

Windows (TM) Vista Ultimate
Windows 7 Ultimate
Windows 7 Home Premium
Microsoft Windows Server (R) 2008 Standard
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard

Because MS makes so many different editions of their products, it's very
difficult to "catch all" in todo.pl

Maybe it would be a good idea to do substring instead of exact string

Like this:
   $product_name contains "Vista" --> $os = "vista"
   $product_name contains "2008"  --> $os = "win2008"

Second idea:
Change the line
   die "Unrecognized $pn_key: $product_name";
   $os = 'unknown_os';

My appsonly script would have no problem with that, but could that break 
things for people doing operating system + applications installs?


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