Hi tovis,

I'm sorry it took so long to respond, i got held up with other things at
work and wasn't able to take time for this until now.

As for your suggestions: I was able to mount the share with my windows box
using the net use command and access the data. I had to use username:
guest and password: guest in order to get access.

However, using it in linux was unsuccessful. The command I used was
mount.cifs //(serverip)/install /mnt/z/ -o username=guest,ro,nocase and
the response it gave me was (after asking for a password, which gave me
the same response regardless of what I entered for a password) mount
error(1): Operation not permitted
Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)

I also attempted to run the Unattended PXE boot install again, thinking
maybe it was phrased incorrectly. It gave me a number of more verbose

***Trying mount.cifs \\(serverip)\install /z -o username=guest,ro,nocase
Status code returned 0xc0000022 NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED

> Hi Scott!
> Occasionally seem to me you forget to send this email to the list.
However, have you tried to mount on your samba share with an ordinary
windows box?
> Command for windows:
> net use x: \\{ntinstall or ip address}\install
> try this, if it will work you can proceed.
>   You can try also a Linux box with samba/cifs client on it, command:
mount.cifs //{gues or ip address}/install /mnt/test -o
> username=guest,ro,
>   nocase
> Command ls -l shouild show for all directories rx (read and run) and r
(read) for files for OTHERS (user and group does not meter for this).
>   tovis
>> Hey everyone,
>> Thanks so much for your advice. Tovis, your solution fixed my problem. It
>> turns out that for whatever reason, unattended is unable to resolve the IP
>> address for my share (it's a network share, not local). However now
I've run into another problem. I can map the network share (I had to
give access to the guest account in samba...Also, contrary to the
>> instructions,
>> my smb.conf file had to be edited to read "guest account = nobody" rather
>> than "guest account = guest" like the instructions said...I'm not sure
why) but when I try to access the data, it won't allow me access to the
>> To reiterate, I can now mount the install share. When I exit out of the
install script into the simple linux kernel, I can cd into the z folder
and I can ls and see all the data...but I'm having a permissions issue
that won't let me actually access any of it. I've tried this using the
unattended script as well as trying to put the mount.cifs command into
another workstation's terminal. The command I am using is "mount.cifs
//"serverip"/install /z -o username=guest,ro,nocase". Like I said, this
will mount my share on the /z folder but will not let me actually
access any of the data. I checked the permissions set (ls -l) and it's
set to a 755 mode (read/execute for user and group, rwx for owner). Has
anyone run
>> across this problem?
>> Scott
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm also ran top this error. The workaround for me was using prompt
for different host name - I give the real ip address such as
>>> \\\install and it's working :)
>>> (Also I was upgrade my PXE boot image, because that NIC Realtek 8101
or something that, does not work under kernel version 2.6.30)
>>> Also I was sent an e-mail about that main script for new PXE boot kernel
>>> does not corrected :( It's still does not work the options through PXE
default configuration (there is an error to pass those parameters to
mount.cifs command). Also there is a weird error message that we use
legacy drivers for disk.
>>> By
>>>   tovis
>>>> Hello,
>>>> just a few hours ago i found an error similar to this you've got. i
have got a working installation of unattended and today i got into a
machine which produces the problem with mount. it was so strange. i
dont know why but from an intuition i changed the machine's sata mode
to a compatible one. tadam, the problem disappeared! looks not
related to this? than what would you say to this solution? it can be
>>>> reproduced anytime. i was surprised, too. give it a try, who knows.
>>>> Wednesday, January 6, 2010, 7:55:54 PM, you wrote:
>>>>> Hey everyone,
>>>>> I was wondering if I could get some assistance with a problem I've been
>>>>> having mapping the install share. I'm attempting to do a diskless
>>>>> boot with a pre-existing PXE server on a linux box. I edited the
pxelinux.cfg/default file to include
>>>>> "LABEL winxp
>>>>>   KERNEL unat
>>>>>   APPEND initrd=unatin.img z_user=guest z_password=guest
>>>>> z_path=//carson/install"
>>>>>  I also read about the ntinstall call (though I believe that's only
>>>>> for
>>>>> using the boot disks) so I edited the smb.conf file to include the line
>>>>> "netbios aliases = ntinstall". My install share (also in the
smb.conf file) is named [install] with a path matching the path in
the pxe default
>>>>> file...When I try to boot it up (I've tried using vmware, VirtualBox
>>>>> and "real" computer booting...consequently does it matter if I'm using
>>>>> a
>>>>> virtual machine?) it goes through everything just fine until it gets to
>>>>> the install share, then it gives me this error:
>>>>> "Trying mount.cifs \\carson\install /z -o username=guest,ro,nocase
mount error: could not find target server. TCP name carson/install
>>>>> found. No ip address specified and hostname not found.
>>>>> *** mount.cifs failed
>>>>> *** Failed to mount /z. Retrying..."
>>>>> Then it asks if I want to override the defaults again. I've tried
switching my slashes around, using an authorized username and
>>>>> (instead of guest) to no avail.
>>>>> I do need to point out one thing that may be an issue, so I'd like your
>>>>> feedback on it. My install folder is on another harddrive on the server
>>>>> (in the /disk2/ folder), but I read somewhere (I'll see if I can
find the
>>>>> link to the site if necessary) that shares cannot be mounted outside of
>>>>> the root directory...so I set up a /install/ folder (which is where all
>>>>> my
>>>>> path variables point to) which contains symlinks to all the folders in
>>>>> the
>>>>> /disk2/install directory...would this make a difference?
>>>>> Using the console, I am able to ping the server by typing "carson", but
>>>>> I
>>>>> am unable to use the mount command to mount the shared folder...but
>>>>> again I may just be phrasing my "mount" command incorrectly.
>>>>> I am not aware of a DHCP server on our system, and I was instructed
>>>>> a
>>>>> netbios aliases in the smb.conf file would suffice. Hopefully you
all can
>>>>> help me out here, because I'm at a loss and the boss would like to see
>>>>> some results. Thank you for all your help in advance, if you need
any more
>>>>> information please let me know and I'll be happy to send it out.
>>>>> Scott
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