Hello Juan,

Friday, February 12, 2010, 5:08:29 PM, you wrote:
> Jens Geile escribió:
>> - Update the updates scripts for Windows 2000 and 2003.
> I am not able to update those as I do not use those systems. Plus, you
> have not a clue how much time take to update the security patch. I need
> a volunter (you?) for that.
what is your way to find out the correct url for a single patch? and
the chain of updates? (especially update of updates...) I can imagine
it is a really exhausting task, so if anyhow we can try to help, and
have time for it, we can add something to this great project! i have
never tested a way to find out how to collect a list of patches needed
(in the correct order). after that, we may be able to help. especially
on or local version, so you can be a bit under less pressure :) I
would like to help with this, but need guidance in collecting patch
list (maybe wsus log can help... who know, i will take a look) AND
their url (sometimes they are not so easy to find; rather looks like
hidden knowledge...)

> all the languages and some patches ask for a certification of genuine
> windows system.
arent they ask only for downloading? maybe an alternate method can
help those, who have a collection of patches (wsus, or personaly
patches; your url collection method can help to keep track "site
specific patch list. somehow.)

>> - Add a new optional parameter in unattended.txt's [_meta] section to 
>> disable the drivers scan script.
> If you do not want to detect drivers do not put any under
> <unattended>/install/drivers
I dont know why should anyone install without drivers but an on/off
switch can help, that is a good suggestion. if you need driverless
installation (why anyway? :) i cant guess, maybe the one who asked can
enlight us)

>> - Why are there no files winxpsp3-up0809.bat, winxpsp3-up0902.bat, 
>> winxpsp3-up0905.bat? Were there really no updates in those months?
> Sometimes updates got replaced by a new version.
how can it be kept track?  I mean how can you decide which patch can
be skipped because it is overwritten by something else, later?

>> - Windows Genuine Advantage Notification (KB905474)
> well... I am not sure if this can be installed unattended...
most of the time it needs user interaction. even with wsus. nonsense.

>> - Windows Search 4.0 für Windows XP (KB940157)
> ¿?¿?¿?¿?¿? is this a core funcionality?
:D i dont even know of anyone who think it is useful for any purpose

we cannot even try to thank you your work with this project. but we
have to try! :) thanks again your great work!

Best regards,
 FwdTmp                            mailto:fwd...@freemail.hu

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