
> ok, I created a page on the wiki:
> https://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/unattended/wiki/SecurityUpdates
Ok, I'm currently reworking the whole logic behind the Windows 2000 Update 
scripts and will most likely do the same with the Windows XP ones at a later 
point. (This is damn exhausting....)

A little explanation of what I'm doing:

1. Install Windows 2000 with slipstreamed SP4.
2. Install Internet Explorer 6 SP1 manually.
3. Check Windows Updates for any (critical) Windows updates and create scripts 
4. Check Windows Updates for any Internet Explorer and Outlook Express updates 
and create "ie6sp1.bat".
5. Check Windows Updates for any .Net updates and create "dotnetXX.bat".
6. Check Windows Updates for any DirectX 9 updates and create "directx9.bat".
7. Check Windows Updates for any Windows Media Player 9 updates and create 
8. Create "win2ksp4-updates.bat" and make it install the updates in the 
following order: "ie6sp1.bat", "win2ksp4-upYYMM.bat", "dotnetXX.bat", 
"directx9.bat", "mediaplayer9.bat". If any of these scripts are not present in 
the scripts/ directory the installation is skipped. This way all updates are 
optional and noone is forced to install Windows Media Player 9 for example. 
That person can just remove the "mediaplayer9.bat" script.

I think this is the most dynamic and reasonable approach.
I'm currently only using Windows Update as a reference on which updates to 
install so I might be missing some optional updates downloaded from other 
sources. Might have a look at that later though.

I'll post a .zip of the new update scripts once I'm done with them and tested a 
whole installation.


p.s.: Would be awesome if you could take a look at my open tickets, Juan. ;)

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