Nobody?  Unattended is in part meant as an alternative for RIS, so why does my 
migration fail? There must be people around who have dealt with similar 
problems. For me this is a bottleneck, since everything else works as it 
should. Please help!


Remko Muis <> schreef het volgende:

     Hi all,

At our school, I am migrating from RIS (WDS) to Unattended. For my
unattend.txt, I have copied most of the settings from the SIF-files
used by RIS. The install script starts fine, reads all the parameters,
but when the network devices have been installed, I get an error,

Network Configuration
The user you have specified is not permitted to join the machine to
the domain. Would you like to proceed for now and try joining the
domain later?

In unattend.txt however, I have exactly the same ID settings as I
used with RIS, which worked as expected:

    DomainAdmin = MY.DOMAIN\administrator
    DomainAdminPassword = "******"
    JoinDomain = MY.DOMAIN

When I answer the above question with No and enter the username and
password of the domain admin, they are accepted. What is happening
here? I hope someone here can help me, because this is really
annoying. I want to get rid of RIS!

NB: setting DomainAdmin to administrator (without the domain part)
does not help.

Thanks for your help.

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