
Thank you for your response.  You’ve given me a lot to ponder and learn!

> I can't easily sort out what's quoted and what's a reply, so I'm going to go 
> to what I think is the heart of this.

I have a terrible time reading the same.  I thought replying like others did!  
I’ll change!

> Suppose you have a shoe. You can call it "a shoe" or "the shoe".
> Suppose you have two shoes, because you have two feet. Are they identical?

I’d like to change the analogy - to a person with two ears.  And one head. 

The head (brain?, CPU?) knows it is referred to as "deb12dell" because that is 
what I named her.  

She is standing in the doorway to two rooms, The left ear listens to zone 
Living Room (ethernet).  The right ear listens to zone Reading Room (wi-fi).

If someone in the Living Room (ethernet) asks where is she ("deb12dell") 
located, I expect the answer to be she is at "".

Does this change the answer?

That is basically my story.

For what it is worth, I don’t plan to change anything related to DHCP.  Right 
now I plan to only work with what I get from DCHP which is the IP address and 
the hostname.  DHCP is another package built and admin'd by someone else.

> You've introduced an additional layer of indirection (addressing) without 
> realizing it. The MAC address is used for packet delivery on a LAN; it is 
> sometimes called an "ethernet address" in this context.

I do not believe unbound does anything with MAC addresses.  So I let DHCP take 
care of that and I ignore them from Unbound.

Am I not right?


> On Jan 10, 2024, at 12:11 PM, Fred Morris <> wrote:
> I can't easily sort out what's quoted and what's a reply, so I'm going to go 
> to what I think is the heart of this.
> DNS is a database which happens to be utilized in multiple, quirky, 
> incompatible ways by various software, even with as simple of a story as 
> "name and address association". You have to know about the story and the 
> software to make a determination, in pretty much every circumstance. (MySQL 
> as a backing store for the BIND nameserver is different than MySQL as a 
> virtual table lookup for Postfix the mailserver, which is different than an 
> ERP solution relying on MySQL.)
> Took these two quotes out of context to make a point:
>> For me, there is only a LAN or local network.  And only A records and PTR 
>> records.
>> Right now there are two interfaces. One ethernet and one wireless.  In the 
>> future there could be more.
> Suppose you have a shoe. You can call it "a shoe" or "the shoe".
> Suppose you have two shoes, because you have two feet. Are they identical? 
> Are your feet identical? In spite of your best efforts, does one of the shoes 
> fit one of your feet better? Will you still steadfastly insist on referring 
> to either shoe interchangeably as "a shoe" or "the shoe"? Aren't you 
> shortchanging your decriptive ability to refer to the phenomenon of each shoe 
> being associated with a particular foot? Can you wear both shoes on one foot 
> at the same time? What exactly does "interchangeable" mean in this context? 
> Are the two shoes interchangeable in all senses?
> Suppose you buy a second pair of shoes: is it because you grew more feet? Is 
> it because other people wanted your shoes so much you bought a second pair to 
> loan out? Are you ever going to be using both pairs of shoes at the same 
> time? Will you still steadfastly insist on referring to any of the shoes 
> interchangeably as "a shoe" or "the shoe"? Is the second pair of shoes 
> associated with a particular foot? Are all four shoes interchangeable in all 
> senses?
> Can you imagine any reason at all for referring to "new left shoe" or "old 
> right shoe"? How about for referring to an arbitrary shoe as "the shoe 
> currently known as 'The Shoe'?" due to some additional context? That context 
> could be time, it could be because you're standing on one foot, anything at 
> all; it might not be possible to determine what that is by static analysis of 
> the shoe.
> Naming is a tough problem. ;-)
> On Tue, 9 Jan 2024, Jon Murphy wrote:
>> Yes.
>>      2) Is the A record query made at startup, and the address recorded and
>>        used going forward?
>> It may or may not be at start-up since my info comes from ISC-DHCP.  It 
>> could happen, or even change, as devices come and go.
>>      3) Is the PTR record query made at access time?
>> I am not understanding the question.  I now there are reverse lookups.
> You've introduced an additional layer of indirection (addressing) without 
> realizing it. The MAC address is used for packet delivery on a LAN; it is 
> sometimes called an "ethernet address" in this context. The IP address is 
> utilized for delivery between LANs. Something functionally the same (from the 
> standpoint of IP) happens for Wifi. It is common to have MAC addresses which 
> deliver for unique IP addresses on that LAN, and one MAC address which 
> delivers for pretty much the entire rest of the internet. (Look into ARP and 
> Proxy ARP; know that Proxy ARP is a point solution to a general problem which 
> is usually solved in more general ways, called "routing".)
> I know what ISC and DHCP are; there are several potential pieces of software 
> which fit the intersection of ISC and DHCP. At least one of these pieces of 
> software has the ability to look up a MAC address in a predefined table and 
> always hand out a particular IP address for that MAC; this software also has 
> the capability to hand out an IP address from a pool when the MAC is not 
> found in that lookup table.
> From simplest to understand to more complex and breaking some things to make 
> other things work:
> * Unique A record, unique PTR record.
> * Unique (multiple) A records, all PTR records have the same generic name. 
> (You'd want to make the PTR pretty generic in this case. Yes yes, I know, 
> only one of the A + PTR pairings is idempotent in this scenario... at a given 
> moment in time.)
> * Multiple A records for the same name, all PTR records have the same name. 
> Serious network architecture questions about the purpose and the scope. 
> Multiple LANs. Routing advertisements. F5 and Cisco appliances.
> * Unique A record, unique PTR record. The anycast version. Different machines 
> have the same A record on different LANs, but they all have the same PTR 
> record! F5 and Cisco appliances.
> * Avoid multiple PTR records for the same IP address in the in-addr 
> namespace. (But they're ok for off-label purposes.)
> * Use CNAMEs. Realize that if you have CNAMEs your single PTR record can't do 
> it justice. Resist the impulse to add more PTR records. Move on with your 
> life. PTR records were never intended to solve identity in all cases to begin 
> with.
> --
> Fred Morris, internet plumber

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