Wow, Dana
Coteaching with Ellin! A dream come true.
Are you willing to share a little more about what you learned? Go ahead and  
"go on and on!" I think we would all love to learn from your experience!
Slowing down...yes... a goal for me too. A tough one though. I have to  
really internalize Ellin's list of what is essential so I can make the time to  
that. I also think that I have to live and teach her list of what is  
essential for a year or so to determine if this list works for me too!   When 
you work 
with striving readers and it takes even longer for them to 'get'  some 
things. I wonder if this list of what is essential can be narrowed even  
further for 
me in the reading specialists role... 
In a message dated 7/21/2008 8:27:34 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

I agree,  Jennifer.  I think keeping track of what it looks like in our 
classroom  when we understand is a great idea!  I know during the first few 
of  school, we read some pretty powerful picture books.  Making time for a  
discussion of what we feel and what we think after delving deep into a book  
would be great - and definitely recorded on a chart that we could return to as  
the year progresses.
I don't know if we've discussed this on this listserve  already, but I had 
the most amazing opportunity this year to co-teach a lesson  with Ellin in my 
classroom.  We had about 40 or 50 observers, and  afterwards, most of the talk 
was about the wait time that Ellin uses.  I  could go on and on about this - 
but, in a nutshell, I know this is a key  factor towards moving our kids 
deeper thinking.  If we want our  kids to dwell, to be fervent, to 
converse..... all of this takes time,  right?  So I know one of the biggest 
changes in 
my classroom this  upcoming year will be to SLOW DOWN!
I'll keep thinking about this,  too.  Can't wait to hear everyone's thoughts 
on what this may look like  in your classrooms!

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