Suzie wrote:
Jennifer we have been told 70 minutes for math and an hour for reading daily so where do you fit in Science, Social Studies and everything in the day? I am finding it impossible.

and Margo wrote:

Thanks Jennifer for saying, "If you can integrate more reading into the
content areas that would help"

I totally agree with you and am trying to figure out how to help the
classroom teachers "see" this. I am so new to the Literacy Teacher Leader
role that I have to learn how to tread lightly.


I am the technology instructional specialist at my school. I almost became a reading specialist early in my career which is why I have read To Understand and have such a passion for reading. I am seeing that Departmentalization is becoming more prevalent. In my school 3rd, 4th and 5th grades are all departmentalized. I understand that this is easier on a teacher. A teacher can become a MATH specialist and focus on just teaching math. Preparation is much easier. I know it is NOT because teachers are slackers because even so my classroom teacher friends work extremely hard. However, I wonder how CAN anyone really teach anything in depth in the time that you have when you departmentalize? Can't science and social studies be taught in the context of teaching reading and writing or does everything really have to be so separate? It just doesn't seem like things are that separate in the real world.

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