> My Greek textbook has acute, grave, and circumflex (called by 
> those names), 
> but I'm not sure what these correspond to in the Greek and 
> Greek Extended 
> blocks (there seem to be many more diacriticals than those). 
> Is there an on-line guide somewhere?

There are in fact other diacritics used in Greek in addition to the three

- Dieresis or dialytica (also used in modern spelling)
- Spiritus asper (romanized with an "h") and spiritus levis
- Subscript iota (to show an unpronounced etymological "i")
- Macron and breve (only used in grammar books and dictionaries)
- Apostrophe (admitting it can be called a diacritic)
- and something else that I am forgetting, probably...

To know which Unicode code points should be used for these diacritics, the
handiest thing is to look up the canonical decompositions in the
UnicodeData.txt database, both in the basic Greek block (U+03xx) and in the
extended block (U+1Fxx). The canonical decomposition field is the data just
after the 5th semicolon on each line.

_ Marco

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