Yes, that's right. You're the winner. :-)

This is a *variant* of [U+9ecd], with [U+efe2] in place of [U+6c3a].
Compare e.g. [U+257e6] and also [U+22863].

I know from context that it is in fact a variant writing of [U+9ecd] ...
since it appears in DUAN Yucai's gloss at 113.410 (SWJZZ). But what i
don't know is why he wrote it this way ... 

This form is not in Ext. B, nor HYDZD, nor Kangxi, as far as I can tell

So, did you find this exact form in any character dictionary or list?

Gaspar Sinai wrote:
> This CJK millet in English ("kibi" in Japanese)
>    U+9ECD
> Gaspar Sinai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Sat, 26 May 2001, Richard Cook wrote:
> > Here's a puzzle: Any idea 1.) what this character is, and 2.) if it's in Unicode?
> >
> >
> >
> >

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