Thanks to IBM folks for the pointer below.  There is a Java version there
that seems to do the job.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Haussermann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2001 2:47 PM
To: Peck, Jon
Cc: Lak Sri; Bob Rinda
Subject: Viewer for Books


See our website for Readers under Free Utilities and Tools:

Bob Haussermann
IBM Softcopy Products

Internal Zip:  TH6B/062/K205 RTP
Phone:    (919) 486-2431  or  t/l  526-2431
IBM email:  H277384@ibmus
---------------------- Forwarded by Bob Haussermann/Raleigh/IBM on
06/29/2001 03:42 PM ---------------------------

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