This is a public service announcement.

Do you think you're on the Unicode mail list, but you don't seem to be  
getting any mail?  Do you know someone who thinks they're on the list, but  
doesn't seem to be getting mail?  If so, you may be another victim of the  
War Against Spam.  More and more hosts are scrutinizing incoming mail, and  
mail being relayed out to remote users.  I receive an ever-increasing  
number of mail delivery failures in one of the following flavors:

           572 Relay not authorized
           550 We do not relay for unauthorized hosts.
           550 Relaying denied to ...
           550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for ...

There is nothing I can do about these.  In fact, we similarly deny  
relaying service to unauthorized systems.  We, like many hosts, accept mail  
only when its final destination is local.  Some of these relay denials  
probably result from users who are having mail forwarded or relayed in a  
way that is unauthorized by the receiving domain, or because of  
configuration problems in those hosts.

I know that some users who subscribe to the Unicode mail list with  
addresses in the following domains are, or have been, affected by fairly  
consistent relay problems in recent weeks:,,,,,

Please make sure that the e-mail address you are using to subscribe to  
this list is valid and recognized by your mail system.  And if you forward  
mail to another address, please be sure that the relay is authorized.

Cheery regards from your,
        -- Sarasvati

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