
One small correction and one question.

Philipp Reichmuth wrote:
> Hello Errata,
> some points in the language list:
> - Ge'ez: Ge'ez is not used anymore except for liturgical purposes, so
> I'd consider it a bit problematic to specify a country where it's
> spoken. I'd probably remove the "Eritrea, Ethiopia" country
> specification.

Ge'ez is also used in comparative Semitic linguistics (primarily by
biblical and ANE scholars). See Thomas O. Lambdin "Introduction to
Classical Ethiopic (Ge'ez)", Harvard Semitic Studies, vol. 24, Scholars
Press, 1978. 

> - Samaritan: Samaritan script is quite close to already-encodable
> scripts, so that it would probably be possible to use smart fonts
> (e.g. OpenType) to encode it using Hebrew.

Not sure about the pointing for Samaritan. Have you compared the sign
list that appears in "A Grammar of Samaritan Hebrew" by Ze'ev Ben-Hayyim
with assitance from Abraham Tal, Magnes Press, Jerusalem, Eisenbrauns,
Winona Lake, Indiana, to the Hebrew character set in 3.1? (I have only
made a cursory scan before replying. Too many other duties to do a
detailed comparison in the next several days. Mapping the pointing looks


Patrick Durusau
Director of Research and Development
Society of Biblical Literature

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