O, by the way, I forgot this...

Arjun Aggarwal wrote:
> >Yes, there are many easy solutions. The fact is that this 
> are worth nothing
> >until Unicode officially adopts one of them.
> This is the ultimate truth and this was the main point with which i
> initiated this dicussion .

Almost every sentence may become the ultimate truth, if you remove enough
context to make it meaningless.

I can say a lot of tupid things on my own, and I don't need anybody's help
to put more stupid things in my mouth. Thanks.

My sentence above referred to a very specific problem: finding a way of
mapping the ISCII sequence <RA + HALANT + INV> to Unicode.

Here is the sentence in its original context:

Marco Cimarosti wrote:
> Dhrubajyoti Banerjee wrote:
> > Marco Cimarosti wrote:
> > >I am talking again about REPHA IN ISOLATION: ISCII has a way of 
> > >representing
> > >it, but Unicode does not. This is needed, even only for 
> > encoding didactic
> > >texts, and a solution to encode it (with ZWJ, probably) 
> > should be found.
> > 
> > I think the same way it is done in ISCII would be quite okay.
> > In ISCII you get it by typing the INV character after ra virama.
> > A similiar solution may be provided for, in Unicode, by 
> using ZW(N)J.
> Yes, there are many easy solutions. The fact is that this are 
> worth nothing
> until Unicode officially adopts one of them.

_ Marco

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