At 00:05 02/01/04 -0500, Tex Texin wrote:
>Thanks to James Kass, we have a new version of the Unicode examples for
>plane 1, that uses UTF-8, instead of NCRs.
>So the following link is to the original page that is code page
>"x-user-defined" and uses NCRs for supplementary characters:

Hello Tex,

I don't understand why this page uses x-user-defined as a charset.
Labeling it as US-ASCII would be perfectly correct.
The 'charset' only applies to the binary encoded characters, not
to NCRs.

Regards,   Martin.

>It contains a link to the following page, which is code page "UTF-8" and
>uses UTF-8 for supplementary characters:
>The text in the tables should be the same on both pages, but your
>browser mileage may (more likely will) vary.
>Neither Netscape or IE support supplementary UTF-8.
>I haven't tried it but James reports that Opera 6.0 displays the Gothic
>fine, the Etruscan is backwards (so the right to left direction is not
>working) and the Deseret is not yet supported. Still, Opera leads the
>pack. I would be glad to receive reports on other browsers and will
>update the page as time allows.
>Tex Texin wrote:
> >
> > Otto Stolz wrote:
> >
> > > I have tested three browsers with the example page
> > > <>,
> > > which comprises NCRs of plane 1 characters.
> >
> > Thanks Otto. There certainly would be value in creating an identical
> > page in UTF-8 rather than NCRs, for further testing, and I intend to
> > provide one, I just haven't had the time. Actually, it started out as
> > utf-8 and became ncr's when we found that is what worked for IE.
> >
> > Maybe over the weekend...
> > tex
> > --
> > -------------------------------------------------------------
> > Tex Texin                    Director, International Business
> > mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]    Tel: +1-781-280-4271
> > the Progress Company         Fax: +1-781-280-4655
> > -------------------------------------------------------------
> > For a compelling demonstration for Unicode:
> >
>Tex Texin                    Director, International Business
>mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]    Tel: +1-781-280-4271
>the Progress Company         Fax: +1-781-280-4655
>For a compelling demonstration for Unicode:

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