On 2002.02.02, at 00:32, Jarkko Hietaniemi wrote:
>>    So far as I see Linux iconv is ascii-preservative while ICS's is
>> Unicode-strict.
>>    From Perl's point of view ASCII preservative should be default.
> Why?

   I have already answered in the previous mail (Subject:More on Unicode 
Mappings, Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
) but this one is important so let me repeat.

>  With a good reason.  The original mapping of Unicode renders any 
> (EUC|JIS|SHIFTJIS)-written perl scripts (or C codes) unusable.  In 
> Japan '\' has been mapped to Yen mark (Because it happened to be at 
> localizable area in ASCII.  I believe localizable area in ASCII is 
> causing a lot of headache for such folks as Danish which exploits this 
> feature to fullest extent).  So source codes in Japan comes with lots 
> of yen marks instead of backslash.

   My very first implementation of Jcode did use Unicode table as is and 
this problem was address in less than hour of release so I fixed it.


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