Kenneth Whistler wrote:
> In the Unicode Collation Algorithm (UTS #10), there is no explicit
> weight assigned corresponding to <SFFFF>, but a primary weight
> assignment of 0xFFFF is guaranteed to be higher than that of
> any Han character.

Well, then I am proposing to introduce such a character. U+FFFD could be
used, but then why repeat the mistake of assigning two roles to a single

U+FFF0? My proposal for its rendering would be an overline. 7.1.2 of UTS #10
would state that U+FFF0 must have the highest possible collation weight for
any language (collation).

I don't have a specific need for such a character. It simply occurred to me
that it may prove to be useful to have it. If not for developers, then for
end users. Maybe for those who want to be the last in a telephone directory
(assuming it's in Unicode;), or for those who want a file to appear at the
bottom of a folder. Which is what I once wanted to have, hence the idea.

Lars Kristan

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