At 10:17 -0700 2002-10-10, Magda Danish (Unicode) wrote:

>>  Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2002 3:46 AM
>  > To: Tex Texin
>  > Subject: Re: "MR" in superscript - Spanish translation for "TM"
>  >
>  > I cannot use html code. People in 3M St. Paul that are loading our
>pages asked me the following:
>>  "If you can send me the UTF-8 characters for MR, I can create what we
>call a scrublet that will fix this problem."


There is no character encoded in Unicode which is a superscript 
capital M with capital R. I have never seen MR set in type in the 
same way that TM is, and indeed the abbreviation seems a bit doubtful 
to me. (Marca Registrada is usually used for 'registered (trade)ark' 
while "trademark" proper is 'marca de fábrica'.) For "Registered 
Trademark" you can use the circled R.
Michael Everson * * Everson Typography *  *
48B Gleann na Carraige; Cill Fhionntain; Baile Átha Cliath 13; Éire
Telephone +353 86 807 9169 * * Fax +353 1 832 2189 (by arrangement)

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