I'm pretty much in agreement with what you say, except the following:

> Of course, the term "Unicode font" is also often used to mean "a font
> that covers all, or nearly all, of Unicode."

I would consider a Unicode font to be one that met your other conditions,
aside from the repertoire. If I had a font that covered Latin, Greek and
Cyrillic and worked with Unicode strings, for example, I would still
consider that a Unicode font. I just wouldn't consider it a (pick your
adjective) full / complete Unicode font.

►  “Eppur si muove” ◄

----- Original Message -----
From: "Doug Ewell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Unicode Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 17:37
Subject: Re: Character identities

> My USD 0.02, as someone who is neither a professional typographer nor a
> font designer (more than one, but not quite two, different things)...
> Discussions about the character-glyph model often mention the "essential
> characteristics" of a given character.  For example, a Latin capital A
> can be bold, italic, script, sans-serif, etc., but it must always have
> that essential "A-ness" such that readers of (e.g.) English can identify
> it as an A instead of, say, an O or a 4 or a picture of a duck.  (Mark
> Davis has a chart showing dozens of different A's in his "Unicode Myths"
> presentation.)
> Somewhere in between the obvious relationships (A = A, B ≠ A), we have
> the case pair A and a.  They are not identical, but they are certainly
> more similar to each other than are A and B.
> It seems to me, as a non-font guy, that calling a font a "Unicode font"
> implies two things:
> 1.  It must be based on Unicode code points.  For True- and OpenType
> fonts, this implies a Unicode cmap; for other font technologies it
> implies some more-or-less equivalent mechanism.  The point is that
> glyphs must be associated with Unicode code points (not necessarily
> 1-to-1, of course), not merely with an internal 8-bit table that can be
> mapped to Unicode only through some other piece of software.
> 2.  The glyphs must reflect the "essential characteristics" of the
> Unicode character to which they are mapped.  That means a capital A can
> be bold, italic, script, sans-serif, etc.  A small a can also be
> small-caps (or even full-size caps), but I think this is the only
> controversial point.
> In a Unicode font, U+0041 cannot be mapped to a capital A with macron,
> as it is in Bookshelf Symbol 1; nor to a six-pointed star, as in
> Monotype Sorts; nor to a hand holding up two fingers, as in Wingdings.
> (But it can be mapped to a "notdef" glyph, if the font makes no claim to
> supporting U+0041.)
> U+0915 absolutely can have snow on it, or be bold or italic or whatever
> (or all of these), as long as a Devanagari reader would recognize its
> essential "ka-ness."  It cannot look like a Latin A, nor for that matter
> can U+0041 look like a Devanagari ka.
> Font guys, do you agree with this?
> Of course, the term "Unicode font" is also often used to mean "a font
> that covers all, or nearly all, of Unicode."  Font technologies
> generally don't even allow this, of course, and even by the standards of
> "nearly" we are still limiting ourselves to things like Bitstream
> Cyberbit, Arial Unicode MS, Code2000, Cardo, etc.  Right or wrong, this
> is a commonly accepted meaning for "Unicode font."
> -Doug Ewell
>  Fullerton, California

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