"Michael (michka) Kaplan" wrote:
> > .xml UTF-8N Some XML processors may not cope with BOM
> Maybe they need to upgrade? Since people often edit the files in notepad,
> many files are going to have it. A parser that cannot accept this reality is
> not going to make it very long.

I didn't think the XML standard allowed for utf-8 files to have a BOM.
The standard is quite clear about requiring 0xFEFF for utf-16.
I would have thought a proper parser would reject a non-utf-16 file
beginning with something other than "<".

(The fact that notepad puts it there should be irrelevant.)

Am I wrong about XML and the utf-8 signature?


Tex Texin   cell: +1 781 789 1898   mailto:Tex@;XenCraft.com
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