At 18:25 -0500 2002-11-18, John Cowan wrote:
Michael Everson scripsit:

 >These is completely comparable to the fact that my local
 >English-language newspaper doesn't need a German language tag
 >to write Gerhard Schroeder.

 No, but it might requires an editor clever enough to write Schröder. :-)
It will get mangled if he does: most newspapers historically didn't have
Sorts is bloody lead type technology. Ain't many newspapers use that these days....

for characters with diaeresis (don't pester me about "cooperate", please)
and wire services could not transmit them.
Coöperate, co-operate, cooperate. All grist for the spellchecker mill.
Michael Everson * * Everson Typography *  *

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