At 10:01 PM 2/3/03 -0800, Doug Ewell wrote:
> Also, the review period for issues 1, 4, 5, and 6 is quickly
> and these items are expected to be discussed at the next UTC meeting
> 4-7 2003.

As for Issue #6, "Unicode 4.0 Alpha data," there hasn't been much new to
review so far.  The first Unicode Data.txt file to contain the new
character assignments in Unicode 4.0 was posted only a few hours ago!
Eleven days might not be much time to check through 1200+ new
characters.  I will, however, state the obvious by pointing out that the
Scripts.txt file (among others) needs to be updated to reflect the new
The new character code charts are available for review at

The new characters are there, but not reflected are the planned
improvements to the annotations for both new and existing characters.


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