The Unicode Technical Committee has posted three new public review issues.
Details are on the following web page:

Briefly the new issues are:

47   Changes to default collation of Latin in UCA

In collation, searching, and matching according to the Unicode Collation  
algorithm, the 10 characters Ã, Ç, Ç, Ä, Ã, Ä, Å, Ä, Ã, Ç (and  
their lowercase forms) currently have primary (base letter) differences  
from the letters A, D, H, L, and O respectively. There is a proposal before  
the UTC to change these to have secondary (accent) differences from AE, D,  
H, L, O, respectively. We would welcome feedback on this issue -- pro or  
con. Arguments for the change are in the background document. We expect to  
add the contrary point of view to that document.

48    Definition of "Directional Run"

A definition of "directional run" is proposed for inclusion in UAX #9 The  
Bidirectional Algorithm. The UTC is seeking public feedback on this  
definition. See the background document for details.

49   Proposed Update UTS #6 A Standard Compression Scheme for Unicode

This is a proposed update to a previously approved Unicode Technical  
Standard. This standard describes a compression scheme (SCSU) mainly  
intended for use with short to medium length Unicode strings. A number of  
changes and clarifications have been made in the text, and the UTC is  
seeking public feedback on these changes.

The closing date for comments on these issues is 2004/11/08.

If you have comments for official UTC consideration, please post them by
submitting your comments through our feedback & reporting page:

If you wish to discuss issues on the Unicode mail list, then please
use the following link to subscribe (if necessary). Please be aware
that discussion comments on the Unicode mail list are not automatically
recorded as input to the UTC. You must use the reporting link above
to generate comments for UTC consideration.

        Rick McGowan
        Unicode, Inc.

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