Dear "IANA" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, we wish to ask whether the following is a
legitimate question for your registry, which people here believe it is:

>What, then, is the code for the English of 'Northern Ireland'?

Since Ulster, as "IANA" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> knows, is divided by an
international border, is the logical reply 'encode Ulster English
separately for each side of the border'? Is Basque separately 'lang-tagged'
for ES and FR?

We ask, because we do not know, and if you do not know either, that is
okay, and we wish you well in bringing all queries to harmonious
conclusions, if possible.

Marion Gunn * EGT (Estab.1991) * *
fiosruithe/enquiries: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * [EMAIL PROTECTED] *

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