----- Original Message -----
From: "Nick Nicholas" <
To: <
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 12:33 PM
Subject: Re: TLG and Beta code

>The equivalent glyph the TLG has posted for #130 is omicron,<

I know this is common in the TLG, but as you say, they assume it is just
omicron (an assumption repeated in a message just received from them).
But, I am trying to get across that that is wrong: it represents neither
papyri nor Byzantine MSS. Apart from what I have already said about MSS in
the previous posting, I see in Ifrah's Histoire Universelle des Chiffres
(there is also an English version), vol.1, p. 372 seq, illustrations from
papyri, in some of which the zero is just as in 9th century Byzantine MSS: a
small circle and a rather long bar over it. Other examples in papyri are
rather similar to that : never a plain omicron.
So is there not a good reason to treat this as a distinct character, to be
assigned to a Unicode codepoint ?


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