At 05:37 AM 8/27/2003, Raymond Mercier wrote:

I know this is common in the TLG, but as you say, they assume it is just
omicron (an assumption repeated in a message just received from them).
But, I am trying to get across that that is wrong: it represents neither
papyri nor Byzantine MSS.


So is there not a good reason to treat this as a distinct character, to be
assigned to a Unicode codepoint ?

Raymond, based on what you have said, I would agree. A variety of visual representations, clearly distinct from the omicron as formed in the same documents, suggests a separate character. Would you be able to write up a proposal to encode such a character, or at least an informational document including illustrations of different forms of the Greek zero, preferably in proximity to differently formed omicrons? Nothing is going to happen unless the UTC receive such a document, and you sound like the best person to prepare one.

John Hudson

Tiro Typeworks
Vancouver, BC           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You need a good operator to make type. If it were a
DIY affair the caster would only run for about five
minutes before the DIYer burned his butt off.
                                      - Jim Rimmer

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