On 26/09/2003 05:33, John Cowan wrote:

Peter Kirk scripsit:

Since there is plenty of good and free browser software available which does support UTF-8, perhaps servers should start assuming that browsers can support it, and that will gently encourage software vendors and users to upgrade.

Alas, we are in a cleft stick: almost all users are now using a
browser that is not going to be upgraded, short of replacing their
operating system.

Almost all users of what? This isn't true of Windows, and for better or for worse the majority of all browser users use Windows. Windows, at least 98+, nags you to upgrade to the latest version of IE whether you want to or not - which is annoying on my old PC which hasn't got the disk space for IE6. Mozilla also nags you to upgrade, so it's not just a Microsoft thing. And probably most users of non-Windows systems are either reasonably computer literate or are supported by IT departments which should do the upgrade.

Peter Kirk
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (personal)

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